Estrategias para el Mejoramiento Académico de las Tutorías en la Universidad Tecnológica de Netzahualcóyotl
The main objective of this investigation was to evaluate the performance of the tutor through the perception of the tutored for the 2nd term the Management Area in the Netzahualcoyotl Technological University with the purpose of establishing intervention strategies that could get the best results in the academic development of the students.
This written information was a qualitative study, non experimental and evaluating as well as descriptive. The interview in-deep was the main tool to get the necessary information. The results are presented in categorized charts.
The result of this survey is: The tutoring process is a very important tool in the teaching-learning process where the professor supports the students during their human and professional formation. This process is very important because it can be given in and individual form or in teams; with the main the main purpose of better the way of studying work, reflection, social interaction so as to get best results in the academic process.