dc.creatorI. Chiu
dc.creatorE. de Posada
dc.identifierTaller de Emprendedores e Innovación en Ciencia Y Tecnología Fotónica de Latinoamérica page-46. Octubre 16-19, 2012 Tampico, México
dc.description.abstractThe Thermal Spray techniques are the most used to make coatings for industrial purposes. The Plasma Spray, one of the methods within the Thermal Spray, stands out for its versatility as it can deposit the entire range of possible materials, obtaining high quality coating. However, the high price as its level of specialization, make industry does not invest in this type of techniques, even with the benefits offered by these systems. For this, we going to develop a DC source that allows us to build a system of this type, to reach for it without the obstacle of cost. The combination of different topologies of rectifiers and inverters, controlled by the pulse width modulation using programmable devices and IGBT´s will allow us to develop a DC source with the necessary characteristics for this type of systems.
dc.publisherTaller de Emprendedores e Innovación en Ciencia Y Tecnología Fotónica de Latinoamérica page-46. Octubre 16-19, 2012 Tampico, México
dc.subjectPower Source of Thermal Spray Equipment
dc.titlePower Source of Thermal Spray Equipment
dc.typeBook chapter

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