Frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas de los polimorfismos *2, *3 y *4 del gen CYP2C19 en poblaciones de origen Huichol, Cora y Tepehuana de Nayarit y Durango
CYP450 genes are highly polymorphic, which determines the synthesis of enzymes with low, increased or null activity. CYP2C enzymes are well known for their ability to metabolize more than 20% of available drugs. CYP2C sub-family include three genes CYP2C8, CYP2C9 and CYP2C19, the latter engaged to metabolize 2% of all drugs. There exist a great inter-ethnic variability in the frequency of allelic variants CYP2C19, *2, *3 and *4, which are associated with a higher prevalence of poor metabolizer phenotype. Methods: Real time PCR was used to determine the polymorphic variants *2, *3 and *4 in CYP2C19 gene in 150 subjects from different indigenous communities (Huicholes, Coras and Tepehuanos) from Durango and Nayarit states. Results: CYP2C19*2 allele was found with a frequency of 0.09 (9%) in Huicholes, 0.08 (8%) in Coras and 0.1 (10%) in Tepehuanos. CYP2C19*3 and *4 were not found in the studied populations. Conclusions: The results found in this study on indigenous populations from Durango and Nayarit, provides valuable information about the frequency of CYP2C19 *2 polymorphism which could be important to determine guidelines on drug treatment in these populations.