dc.creatorDarlene, Gómez
dc.creatorDalila, Jústiz
dc.creatorMartha, Delgado
dc.identifierComputación y Sistemas; Vol. 17 No. 1
dc.description.abstractAbstract: Quality is a necessary feature to be achieved by a system or application after its development is completed. Tests contribute to software quality, but testing is a process that requires much time. This process starts at the beginning of the construction of a system and ends before the implementation. This paper presents an analysis of a set of tools for automatic test execution, with emphasis on unit testing, and describes a proposal of using such tools in a university environment of project development. This proposal responds to the need of combining commercial tools with other path generation tools and test cases.
dc.publisherComputación y Sistemas; Vol. 17 No. 1
dc.relationComputación y Sistemas;Vol. 17 No. 1
dc.subjectKeywords: Software quality, test cases, test tools, software test.
dc.titleUnit Tests of Software in a University Environment

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