Desarrollo de Antenas semi-isotrópicas para evaluar emisiones radiadas e inmunidad electromagnética en el intervalo de frecuencias de 300 MHz a 3 GHz
This thesis presents the design, construction and characterization of the semiisotropic
antenna for testing electromagnetic radiation and immunity in a frequency
range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz. These antennas are developed on the basis of two
broadband dipoles in an orthogonal array to achieve the semi-isotropy property. The
dipoles are elliptical-shaped patches, built in FR4 laminate. The antenna for the
evaluation of electromagnetic radiation has a gain around 5 dB and an antenna factor
of 25 at 1 GHz. The antenna for evaluating the electromagnetic immunity has the
same characteristics. Both antennas have a ROE of 1.2 at the frequency where the
best matching is got and 1.5 over the remaining bandwidth. Both antennas are equal,
but the matching structure, which is changed for higher power management.
This matching circuit is important to get the best performance of the antennas, so
that also in this thesis this described its design, construction and characterization.
These antennas are important for evaluating the electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC), the levels specified in international standards for radiations within the limits of
radiated energy between devices, equipment, electrical-electronics systems,
generators. The basics of this subject are presented in the introduction of the thesis.