Seasonal changes in a fish assemblage associated with mangroves in a coastal lagoon of Baja California Sur, Mexico
Rodríguez Romero, Jesús
López González, Laura Carmen
Galván Magaña, Felipe
Gutiérrez Sánchez, Francisco Javier
Inohuye Rivera, Roxana B.
Pérez Urbiola, Juan C.
The fish assemblage in a coastal lagoon with mangroves known as “Rancho Bueno” was determined and associated with environmental parameters. We used an experimental otter trawl net to catch the fish, and 62 fish species were identified from 48 genera and 30 families. The most abundant species were: Etropus crossotus, Eucinostomus gracilis, Paralabrax maculatofasciatus, Sphoeroides annulatus, and Eucinostomus dowii. The water temperature changed seasonally, being warm from July through December and cold from January through June. We found more fish species during the warm season than during the cold season. The southern area of the coastal lagoon had the highest diversity and species richness. The small size of the fishes registered confirms the ecological role of coastal lagoons as nursery areas that offer protection and feeding to commercially important fish near Bahía Magdalena, Mexico.