dc.description.abstract | The objective of this thesis is to present the estimate of reduction in emissions
that are generated in the processes that take place in
manufacturing local jurisdiction Federal District, through the
implementation of better control methods and its application to prevent and / or
control the generation. The importance of reducing emissions is that it affect
the human health and environmental deterioration environment.
The industrial sector through its various products, satisfy many necessities, and
create different sources of work, therefore, that balance must be struck that
allows you to continue to meet its objectives, yet manages to reduce the
environmental impact causes.
To carry out this thesis, was based on the Criteria Pollutant Emission Inventory
of Mexico City Metropolitan Area-2008, also established himself as the analysis
methodology of the database of the Federal District's local industry to identify
the sub- greater contribution of emissions, and the different processes, followed
by quality control to validate this data, we studied different existing control
methods and raised the possible scenarios of reductions from the best proposal
for implementation of methods, finally it was described the economic and
environmental benefits obtained by the industry.
According to the results seen an overall estimate of reductions ranging from 16
to 90% according to the contaminant evaluated, as well as its variations
depending on the different processes mentioned.
To achieve this reduction in addition to the industrial sector involvement is
needed more incentive retroactive and support necessary to enable an industrygovernment
synergy that lead to improved air quality. | |