Determinación de polimorfismos de los Citocromos CYP1B1 y CYP2W1 asociados a cancer de próstata en poblacion mexicana
Prostate cancer is the second most common malignancy after cancer of skin in
men and the second leading cause of cancer death after lung. Likewise, prostate
cancer is a major public health problems worldwide as it has become one of the
tumors most frequently diagnosed and is a major cause of disability and death in
patients over 50 years . On the other hand, are not known etiologic factors
involved in the onset of this disease and why some tumors of patients will progress
to invasive latent form.
There are different risk factors to the initiation and progression of the disease such
as age, ethnicity, dietary habits and genetic polymorphisms of certain proteins
involved in individual activities, including the P450 and it is considered that some
of the cytochromes may increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.
So the objective of this research is to determine how the polymorphisms
associated cytochrome P450 to the development of this disease in the Mexican
Through the use of paraffin-embedded tissue and peripheral blood samples of
patients diagnosed with CaP was performed DNA extraction, and a revised its
integrity, the presence / absence of polymorphisms was carried out by PCR
technique Real-time High Resolution Analysis of Melting Curves (HRM)