Optical and structural properties of GaAs highly doped with carbon
Diaz Reyes, Joel
This work presents the characterization of p-type GaAs layers highly doped with carbon grown in a metallic-arsenic-based-MOCVD system. The gallium precursor was the compound trimethylgallium (TMG) and elemental arsenic as precursor of arsenic, respectively . The influence of the doping in the optical and struct ural prope1ties of the GaAs layers has been studied by photoluminescence (PL) and Raman dispersion measurements. Hall effect and High resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD). In order to dope with carbon in the range of 1016 to
I 020 em.- it was necessary to modify the activity of hydrogen in the growth atmosphere with the control of a
mixture l-h+N 2, which was used like carry i ng gas. The PL and Raman scattering responses of the samples are strongly dependence of the growth temperature, which were investigated based on the hole concentration . Device quality GaAs layers have been grown in a broad range of growth temperatures