Extrusion of a hard-to-cook bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and quality protein maize (Zea mays L.) flour blend
Martínez Ayala, Alma Leticia
Bean seeds undergo physical, biological and chemical changes duri ng storage. Physica l factors such as seed moisture content, temperature, seed conditio n and avai labl e oxygen in storage have a decisive effect on degradation because they in fluence seed q uality (Rodriguez, 1992). Beans stored under high humidity (> 75%) and high temperature conditions (30-40 °C) experience serious l osses in quality characteris tics, particularly increased cooking time due to hardening (Ki gel, 1999). Some mechanisms proposed to explain hardening include conversion of l ipids to oxygenated polymers, forma tion of insol u ble pectates, lignification, protein denat u ralization and hydrolysi s; all occur mainly i n the cotyledon. Harden i ng leads to what is called th e h ard-to-cook phenomenon. This in volves changes in cell adherence that inhibit cell separation during cooking, which affects cooked seed texture, and limits protein availabi l ity due to denaturalization and hydrol ysi s, lowering seed nutritional contribution (Garcia, Filisetti, Udaeta, & Lajolo, 1998).
A number of alternative technologies have been proposed
for use of hard-to-cook beans, such as dry and wet fractionat ing, soaking in saline solutions, alkaline thermal treatment and extrusion. Of particular interest is extrusion, since it i s already w i dely used to incorporate hard-to-cook seeds into cereals which are then used to produce precooked flours, infant food and expanded snacks. These extruded products have advan tages in tetms of their sensory characteristics (texture, fla vour, smell and colour) and nutriti onal properties (increased protein content and balanced amino acid profile).
A food exuder is a high temperature, sh01t processing time bioreactor that can transf01m a variety of ingredients into inter mediate or finished products such as precooked flours, ex panded snacks, breakfast cereals, pastas and texturi zed protein
(Gonzalez, Torres, & Degreef, 2002). During extru sion