Estructuración de un modelo trófico como herramienta de análisis del impacto de la carpa (Cyprinus carpio) en diferentes hábitats del lago de Pátzcuaro”
Models represent tools to describe biological systems and to verify and to predict
their dynamic processes. In the present study we structured a predator-prey trofic
model including producers, primary and secondary consumers using the
Ithink/Stella software. The main aim was to evaluate the direct influence from carp
(Cyprinus carpio) on different native and introduced fish in Lake Patzcuaro. We
created different simulation scenarios to define the environmental influence on fish
and prey in favorable and unfavorable conditions. The criteria to select the
information in the model structure included: (1) in the case of predators, those
species with diets related to the carp’s diet and/or dominant in the ecosystem, and
(2) in the case of the food items, those present in all fish diet with the condition that
at least they were secondary in two predators. All biological information, from field
and laboratory and the analysis of stomach content, was provided by researches
from the Facultad de Biología of Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de
Hidalgo and Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, S.C. Results
showed no direct impact from the carp on the food habits of the other species in
Lake Patzcuaro, according to the high abundance of preferential food items.
Similarly, no indirect impacts were estimated, including results from the diet
composition (there wasn’t any consumption of egg bellowing to other species),
carp population size (small densities compared to other fish) and simulation
responses. On the other hand, we found an important predator-prey interaction
among copepods, cladocerans and Chirostoma species. Two main responses
were obtained in their simulation: (a) in the scenario of unfavorable conditions,
preferential food decreased promoting a collapse of both predator and prey
populations and (b) in the scenario of favorable conditions, higher food availability
results on the lack of control from predator to prey and their populations were
regulated by the carrying capacity of the ecosystem.