Movilidad de un plaguicida organoclorado en un tiradero de Residuos Sólidos Municipales en Los Altos Ayahualulco, Veracruz
This paper is about the characterization of contaminated soils with organochlorine pesticides in a waste landfill (without control) located in Ayahualulco, in the state of Veracruz. This waste landfill is considered the largest waste reservoir from the area and found consistent evidence of packaging waste and remnants of pesticides, mainly organochlorines. The town is mainly engaged in agriculture and the main crops are corn, potatoes and beans. Analysis by gas-liquid chromatography was performed in eight sampling points from the field to three levels: superficial and 0.5m y 1.0m depth. We sought the presence of endosulfan, however this compound was not found in the samples, so we proceeded to search Endosulfan sulfate, which according to the retention time of this compound was not identified in the samples. Not observed any relation of concentration with the landform; or the depth of the samples. Therefore it is suggested that future research focus on the search for alpha and beta endosulfan metabolites. Also under NOM 021 SEMARNAT 2000, physico-chemical analysis was performed on these soils, considering the following parameters: pH, texture, real and apparent density, porosity, organic matter; parameters of water in the soil moisture and field capacity; some nutrients such as organic nitrogen and phosphorus; as well as Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). Found that in general the soils analyzed have an average level of nutrients and a good CEC (34 meq/100g), together with the other parameters shows that in these soils could happen a process of self-purification in the medium term, if not continue feeding the problem. The porosity and texture show that the progress of pollution by infiltration is slow; because the clay soil texture and low permeability (1x10-9 m / sec), limiting the impact on the area. Endosulfan reported in this study, was considered as a candidate for new Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Stockholm, but the evidence was not sufficient to consider a new POP. Internationally there is a ban on the use of endosulfan in Europe, is reviewing its use in Brazil and there is an international campaign by the Pesticide Action Network and RAP-AL for a global ban on endosulfan. Mexico also has studies that attempt to show the relevance of endosulfan and its eco-toxicity, in order to regulate their use.