dc.description.abstract | The culture is made up of a set of beliefs, values and principles in the organization
are considered as certain, the values of culture are the product of a long process
and they have joined the company employees. When taken as a reference point
rapid changes by the environment, it is considered that to have a culture that meets
these conditions will be closer to success, that is, it requires fostering an
organizational culture focused on innovation.
In most Mexican companies free software developers have limited financial and
material resources in these companies by their nature have to rely on innovation for
subsistence. Its proximity to the market, the degree of functional integration, the
degree of flexibility and adaptability are attributes that enable them to cope with the
high standards set by the competition.
Therefore, through a documentary and field research the objective is identify and
assess the relationship of the organizational culture to create innovation activities in
Mexican companies free software developers. | |