Estudo do impacto da escolha do modelo para o controle de overdose na fase I dos ensaios clínicos
2018-10-03Registro en:
Marins, Bruna Aparecida Barbosa
Escalation with overdose control proportional hazards is a Bayesian method with overdose control that estimates the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) assuming that the time a patient takes to show toxicity follows the proportional hazards model. In this work, we analyse the consequences of adopting a method based on the proportional hazard model when the time until toxicity follows the proportional survival model. In order to seek to answer if we would have an overestimate or an underestimate of MTD, simulations were performed in which we considered proportional odds survival data and application of the EWOC-PH method. As an extension of the EWOC-PH method, we propose the EWOC-POS method which assumes that time until toxicity follows the proportional odds survival model.