Um estudo sobre as relações étnicorraciais na perspectiva das crianças pequenas
2017-02-23Registro en:
Corrêa, Lajara Janaina Lopes
This research aims to analyze ethnic-racial relations among children aged three to six years. The research aims to identify: (i) how small children understand ethnic-racial identification; (Ii) what moment they begin to have a "notion" about racial belonging; (Iii) their impressions on race relations and (iv) how they self-professed. As methodological procedures, we performed field research at a kindergarten institution in Campinas, SP. Different procedures were used to collect the data: interviews with the children, "test" with the dolls, photographic record made by the children, drawings of the children, informal conversations and the conversational wheels. The interviews consisted of conversations with the children about their color and race. In interviews we collected general information about their ages, color / race; We perform the "tests" with the dolls of different shades of colors; We sought to present the children's statements about their color and race, as well as data on the color and race of their relatives. In the research with young children, we intend to verify in school how small children subjectivate, tell and talk about the racial theme. For in the same way that one learns to be a girl or a boy one learns to be black and to be white. It is a real, relational social structure and the children's agency that needs to be diagrammed. These are questions of our doctoral research. The challenge of the research was to dialogue with the children about their color and race. How they build their identification process. We intend to analyze racial relations among young children, seeking to make explicit the perspective of children on racial belonging from a discussion about the concept of children and childhood present in the sociology of childhood. Research becomes relevant to study how children perceive ethnic-racial diversity in everyday life from an early age. We hope that the result of this study will contribute to the deepening of the knowledge of the field of Education about ethnic-racial relations from the perception of the young children. We emphasize that the research is part of the OBEDUC-2013 project of "Municipal Public Policies of Early Childhood Education: Diagnosis and Research".