Relações entre infância, escola e religião : etnografia dos Baniwa do médio Içana
2017-05-05Registro en:
Marqui, Amanda Rodrigues
This dissertation is about the relations of childhood, school and evangelical
religion of the Baniwa people, who live in the Upper Rio Negro, northwest
Amazon. From ethnographic experience in communities of the Middle Rio Içana
aspects of Baniwa sociality in the formation of their children are addressed in
this dissertation, considering the school and the evangelical religion contexts.
The school context is one of the common threads of the ethnographic narrative
since the entry into the field happened after an invitation received from the
Moliweni school in Vista Alegre community located in the Cuiari River within the
scope of the UFSCar Observatory of Indigenous School Education. The religious
and school events in Baniwa communities of the Middle Içana demonstrate the
importance of religion in its social organization as well as its influence in the
debates regarding differentiated Baniwa school education. Thus, this
ethnography describes the formativa process of children anf young in their
communities in school and religious spaces to understand the meaning of good
living in the Baniwa communites of the Middle Içana