O terapeuta ocupacional na rede de atenção e cuidado à crianças e adolescentes usuários de substâncias psicoativas
2016-02-24Registro en:
Santarosa, Camila Camargo
The drug issue is part of human history. The age at which begins drug use has
decreased over the years. To provide comprehensive care to children and young
psychoactive substances users, it is necessary to know the risk and protective factors
for use, their vulnerable conditions and a network joint. In order to meet these goals,
occupational therapy proves to be a profession with the potential to work with the
population of children and adolescents psychoactive substances users as it works to
restore citizenship through appreciation of cultural diversity, inclusion and social
participation through of different interventions. Objectives: To understand the role of
occupational therapists in the network of attention and care to children and
adolescents psychoactive substances users in São Paulo. Methods: This crosssectional
study , exploratory and descriptive qualitative approach. The study included
four managers of the equipment belonging to the network of the region's center of
São Paulo and 11 occupational therapists workers in these services. For data
collection were used personal and professional protocol information of participants
and semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was performed using the thematic
analysis technique and descriptive analysis. Results: The results point to an
important vulnerability this condition in the population of children and adolescents by
the network of the Center of São Paulo. This network was identified and appointed by
professionals as a network failure and still fragile, but joint strategies are developed
by professionals in order to strengthen relationships and establish partnerships
between different devices and network industries. The occupational therapist
professional plays an important role in this joint besides the different activities carried
out within the services. Occupational therapists perform many tasks that are common
to other team members, but it was possible to see a trend of this professional to
engage primarily in activities that involve action in the territory, therapeutic
monitoring, income generation, as well as plastic and physical activities in order to
always expanding the repertoire of activities of this population. The main difficulties
pointed out by professionals are mainly related to the difficulty of adherence of
children and adolescents SPA users to treatment, political issues that cross daily
services and disability network. Professionals also pointed fields of knowledge that
are important for the realization of his work as: Harm Reduction, Mental Health and
Public Policy.