Planos municipais de gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos : desafios na implementação da política nacional de resíduos sólidos na bacia hidrográfica Tietê Jacaré – SP
2016-06-30Registro en:
Santiago, Cristine Diniz
In Brazil, waste management has developed with delay when compared to some
countries which sought solutions for the area in advance. The national legislative
framework is the National Waste Policy (NWP), Law n. 12.305/2010, regulated by
Decret n. 7.404/2010, which decentralizes waste management, according to the
pattern established on the National Environment Policy. Decentralization is explicited
by the proposition of a tool called Integrated Waste Management City Plan (IWMCP),
which has proved to be a challenge to municipalities. This research analyses the
elaboration process of IWMCPs – five years after the passing of the NWP – in
municipalities of the 13 th Hydric Resources Management Unit (HRMU) in São Paulo
state – Tietê Jacaré’s HRMU, through surveys and multiple case studies. Results
show the complexity and uniquenesses of the cities, highlighting the absence of data,
resources and technical staff capacitation as main barriers, and the possibility of
hiring companies to elaborate the IWMCP as the main facilitator according to the
cities. Other incipient aspects present in the city planning process are the search of
joint solutions and social participation. Thus, the decentralization proposed by the
NWP presents difficulties for the law enforcement since municipalities still do not rely
on the necessary means to develop complex planning as recommended by the NWP.
This way, efforts from both the federal and state governments are recommendable
aiming at the capacitation and resources availability, what shall make the city
emancipation possible throughout the planning process. The proposal of alternatives
for shared solutions is also crucial for the waste management optimization, as
prioritized by the NWP.
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