Gestão pela qualidade total e desempenho financeiro : um estudo da geração de riqueza ao acionista em empresas vencedoras de prêmios nacionais da qualidade do continente americano
2016-02-29Registro en:
Bassan, Heder
Many authors of total quality management suggest a positive relationship between the
implementation of Total Quality Management and financial performance of companies.
However, empirical studies have produced mixed results due to methodological limitations of
data analysis and performance indicators used. In this sense, this thesis aims to analyze the
shareholder value creation using value financial indicators of winning companies of national
quality awards in the Americas and to compare them to companies operating in the same
economic sector. The use shareholder value performance indicators and winning companies of
national awards quality seven Western Hemisphere countries is a differential of this thesis in
relation to other studies. The financial data was collected from the Economática system
database in specialized sites on the disclosure of financial statements and own sites of the
winning companies of this research study object. The time period of analysis is ten years. The
hypotheses about the companies performance on creating shareholder value were tested
applying MANOVA and Factorial Analysis. The results point out the quality award winning
companies has created more value to their shareholders than the other companies operating on
the same economic sector.