Modelos não lineares truncados mistos para locação e escala
Paraiba, Carolina Costa Mota
We present a class of nonlinear truncated mixed-effects models where the truncation nature of the data is incorporated into the statistical model by assuming that the variable of interest, namely the truncated variable, follows a truncated distribution which, in turn, corresponds to a conditional distribution obtained by restricting the support of a given probability distribution function. The family of nonlinear truncated mixed-effects models for location and scale is constructed based on the perspective of nonlinear generalized mixed-effects models and by assuming that the distribution of response variable belongs to a truncated class of distributions indexed by a location and a scale parameter. The location parameter of the response variable is assumed to be associated with a continuous nonlinear function of covariates and unknown parameters and with unobserved random effects, and the scale parameter of the responses is assumed to be characterized by a continuous function of the covariates and unknown parameters. The proposed truncated nonlinear mixed-effects models are constructed assuming both random truncation limits; however, truncated nonlinear mixed-effects models with fixed known limits are readily obtained as particular cases of these models. For models constructed under the assumption of random truncation limits, the likelihood function of the observed data shall be a function both of the parameters of the truncated distribution of the truncated variable and of the parameters of the distribution of the truncation variables. For the particular case of fixed known truncation limits, the likelihood function of the observed data is a function only of the parameters of the truncated distribution assumed for the variable of interest. The likelihood equation resulting from the proposed truncated nonlinear regression models do not have analytical solutions and thus, under the frequentist inferential perspective, the model parameters are estimated by direct maximization of the log-likelihood using an iterative procedure. We also consider diagnostic analysis to check for model misspecification, outliers and influential observations using standardized residuals, and global and local influence metrics. Under the Bayesian perspective of statistical inference, parameter estimates are computed based on draws from the posterior distribution of parameters obtained using an Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure. Posterior predictive checks, Bayesian standardized residuals and a Bayesian influence measures are considered to check for model adequacy, outliers and influential observations. As Bayesian model selection criteria, we consider the sum of log -CPO and a Bayesian model selection procedure using a Bayesian mixture model framework. To illustrate the proposed methodology, we analyze soil-water retention, which are used to construct soil-water characteristic curves and which are subject to truncation since soil-water content (the proportion of water in soil samples) is limited by the residual soil-water content and the saturated soil-water content.