dc.contributorSaldanha, Jânia Maria Lopes
dc.creatorScopel, Elisabete
dc.description.abstractThis study was carried out during the course of post-graduate degree in public administration, which sought to analyze, overcoming the old paradigm antagonist between the police and human rights, in the sense that the police and human rights activist, also promotes. For both, bibliographic studies were carried out in conjunction with research in various sectors of the Civil Police institution, State of Rio Grande do Sul in the ecclesiastical province of Porto Alegre - RS and learning, explained the actions committed by the police aimed at promoting human rights. Considered as Civilian police officers understand and perceive the promotion of human rights and, from there, it was possible to propose public policies that meet the interests of providers of services of public security, which often find themselves on the wrong side of such rights. Concluded that it is not easy to give an immediate response to society, when the general outcry is for solutions to problems relating to public security. However, the policeman is endowed with technical knowledge and specific to perform their jobs with quality promoting and ensuring the implementation of human rights to the citizen, and should not forget that the same police that promotes human rights is also holder of the same and need to be considered when in the exercise of its function, finally some studies examining this reality, without pretence to exhaust the subject, given its breadth.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPolícia civil
dc.subjectDireitos humanos
dc.subjectRio Grande do Sul
dc.titleOs direitos humanos e sua promoção pela Polícia Civil
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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