Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A gestão do Projeto Alegria através das práticas pedagógicas no processo inclusivo
Pigatto, Lisete Maria Massulini
This study reports the Project Management through Joy of teaching practices in inclusive process through action research. This project takes place in a state school in the municipality of Santa Maria, RS, with the classes of students included, since 2002. Based on the philosophy of education recommended by UNESCO for the twenty-first century through education, science and culture, where education should occur throughout life, not just the school, extending to all organizations. Is to record the management of Project Joy through activities developed called "teaching practices. The study offered a permanent dialogue among the six teachers, a teacher of preschool, the teachers of two classes of first year, which is a visually impaired student included a second grade teacher with more than a visually impaired student included the special class teacher and manager of the project. The methodology recreation and citizenship, used in Project Happiness, through the theater, music and other teaching practices have aroused in students a curiosity to discover new knowledge, creating opportunities to experience democracy and education of the public.