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Importância da detecção de anticorpos ANTI-HBc na prevenção da transmissão do vírus da hepatite B (VHB) em bancos de sangue
Caetano, Miriam Maria
Background: The global prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) is estimated to be 350 million of chronic carriers. In Brazil this prevalence is about eight percent (8%), with regional variations. One of the greatest risks for the transmission of this infection is blood transfusions and blood derivates. To prevent the post-transfusion hepatitis B, the markers HBsAg, the antibody Anti-HBc, and the transaminase ALT are determined, and show the presence of different serological profiles among the blood donators.
Objectives: Determine the presence of isolated anti-Hbc in present population.
Material and Method: data from the blood transfusion center in Santiago/RS, Brazil, was analyzed in the year of 2004.
Results: it has been estimated the prevalence of 1.9 % for HBV infection, with 1.59 % of these individuals reagents only to the anti-HBc .
Discussion: The existence of this serological profile has been discussed considering the possibility of undetectable low levels of HBsAg or the presence of mutant strains.
Conclusions: in front of this possibility we believe that is important to continue determining the anti-HBc marker in the serological blood donor screening.