Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Evasão e repetência: a reconstrução do projeto político-pedagógico em uma escola estadual de Engenho Velho - RS
Lasta, Nadia Maria Poglia
This work, the result of post-Graduate Distance Learning in Education Management from the University of Santa Maria, looked under "Dropout and Repetition: A Reconstruction of the Political and Pedagogical in a State School Plantation Old-RS", perform a quantitative and qualitative study of increasing cases of evasion and failure occurred in the State School High School Floriano Peixoto, that municipality. Initially we carried out a literature search aimed at the conceptual domain on the issue. Data for analysis were obtained through the documentation of the school as enrollment forms, file liability, proceedings, political and pedagogical project and through semi-structured interviews applied to several members of the school community. Data analysis revealed a significant population depletion in the city, which is reflected in the increasing dropout rates and the amendment of the table before ethnic predominantly of Italian descent and today with a significant indigenous presence. Value and respect the differences, the different knowledge and intercultural dialogue becomes key to a new conception of education, to be rescued through more participatory practices. Then choose to reorganize and run a participatory political and pedagogical project taking into consideration all these issues, it becomes a challenge.