Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Atualização do fluxo de internação em hospitais com leitos integrais de saúde mental na 15ª CRS: relato de experiência
Bianchini, Marília Pinto
The Psychosocial Care Network (PSCN) is composed of different attention points ranging from primary health care to higher complexity and technological density level health care as the Hospitals. The operation of coordination of the Mental Health Policy of the 15ª CRS include creating a link between the different actors and points of attention of the regional PSCN, which allows the detection and the work under the network nodeswhich affect the quality and coordination of offeredcare. Thus, this experience report is about the construction of a reference document for the hospitalization flow with full bed in mental health in the region covered by the 15th CRS. This document was created from the perception of lack of standardization of reference and counter-referral flows in the routing of users for access to intensive care in hospital. As a proposed intervention from a critical network node identified, the elaborate document lends itself to contribute to the coordination of care and the guarantee of the integral attention in regional mental health.