Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Desjudicialização e celeridade processual no âmbito das serventias extrajudiciais: uma análise à luz da Constituição Federal e do projeto do novo CPC
Martins Filho, Afonso Rodrigo de Figueiredo
In the course of this monographic work at first we discuss Notarial and
Registration Law in order to familiarize ourselves with this important branch of legal knowledge. We study its origin and evolution, legal nature, regulatory sources and principles that govern the proposed context for the present work. After this propaedeutic analysis, we focus our attention at the roots of the saturation that the Judiciary Power has been going through. Then we proceed to study the project of the New Civil Procedure Code alongside with decisions given by the administrative agencies of the Judiciary Power looking for opportunities to implement the constitutional principles of Access to Justice and Reasonable Duration of the Process by procedures realized at the extrajudicial courts.