Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Jogo de pivô: o ensino esportivo na escola com referência na midiatização do jogo
Pinheiro, Luis Eduardo Baldiatti
The present study was formulated from the transmissions of the finals of the National Futsal
League of 2017, by the television channel Sportv, in order to identify, through the description
and analysis of journalistic appraisals, which aspects of the game of futsal are presented as more
relevant for the scenarios presented from the mediatization of the modality. In the descriptive
analytical process, the centrality given to the pivotal game theme was emphasized, as well as
to collective and individual aspects related to this theme. It was presented a proposal of different
activities related to the theme of pivot game usable, by teachers and students, in order to
understand the game from this peculiarity of the futsal dynamics (pivot game). The activities
were conceived with the to be made available through the Network Educational Technologies,
in platforms such as Moodle, EdModo, EdPuzzle and the Social Networks themselves, among