Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Fundamentações constitucionais para a construção de discursos competentes na aplicação dos artigos 113 e 187 do código civil
Caputi, Michelle Salvany
This work aims to demonstrate the revelance of the constitutional rules and the
values extracted from the Federal Constitution so that there can be a legitimate
applications of the general clauses of Civil Code in the 2002. So, it was searched to
define such clauses and to distinguish them from the “indefinite legal concepts”.
Then, it was made a brief explanation on the phenomenon of “constitutionalization of
Civil Law” in order to enphasize the main role that the Republic Constitution must
play not only at Public Law but also at Private Law. Finally, it was done a specific
study on the general cluses mentioned in the items 113 and 187 of Civil Code buy
relating them to the principles and constitutional fundamentals that should head their