Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Atuação do educador especial no ensino superior: reflexões sobre a formação inicial
Silva, Mariane Carloto da
The development of this study is linked to the discipline of Professional Research
Project to elaborate the Course Completion Work, which has Higher Education as a
locus of formation and performance of the Special Educator. The general objective
was to know the impacts of the implementation of the National Policy on Special
Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education (PNEEPEI) in the special
education courses of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) and the Federal
University of São Carlos (UFSCar), totaling four courses and focusing on the
performance of the Special Educator in Higher Education. For this, a qualitative,
exploratory and documentary research was carried out. Data were collected through
an open questionnaire directed to the three coordinators of the Special Education
Degree (Nighttime, Daytime, EAD) courses at the UFSM and the analysis of the
Political Project Pedagogical (PPP) and Menu of the four courses. Results indicate
the urgency of Special Educator training projects that have Higher Education as a
field of activity, presenting training components to qualify the Special Educators
training to work in Higher Education. It is concluded that it is necessary to strengthen
the process of reflections on curricular structures in the Special Education
Undergraduate courses, considering the training needs for the Special Educator in
the Higher Education, so that, in addition to the admission of public target students in
universities, there may also be recognition of the importance of the professional
trained in the spaces of universities for the developm ent of care and planning of
actions that favor learning.