Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise da aplicabilidade do princípio da isonomia salarial no quadro de servidores do judiciário gaúcho
Von Ende, Márcia
The principle of wage equality , due to the general principle of equality is fundamental
principle in the Federal Constitution of Brazil . However , the Government has not
observed the principle in the concrete case , editing laws that affect the Constitution
in one of its structural pillars : equality . Moreover , the judiciary , whose primary
function is the control of the constitutionality of laws , has restricted the application of
the principle of wage equality with fulcrum in the high Court docket 339 . The
summary was published in the 60s , in a completely different social , constitutional
and hermeneutical context of the current . At the time of issue of precedent , the
Separation of Powers was rigid , preventing the interference of an authority on the
other . At present , the conception of the principle of Separation of Powers , based on
the Checks and Balances system , expanded the role of the Judiciary. The theory of
deliberative -democratic constitution put fundamental rights - among them the
Equality - as condition of existence of democracy and no longer as the future design .
The current conception of the principle of separation of powers and democratic
deliberative theory legitimize the role of the judiciary in constitutional control , using
instrumental principles of constitutional hermeneutics . Constitutionalism has
fundamental relevance , implying any legal interpretation an interpretation the light of
the principles and constitutional rules . In this context, this study examines the limits
and the possibilities of applying the principle of wage equality under the gaucho
judiciary employees. To this end, we conducted a study of the doctrine, analysis of
case-finding of inconsistency with state law and the Federal Constitution against the
opposing views presented on the lawsuit the union of the judiciary employees in the
face of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Thus it has been found the possibility of
applying the principle of equality in the case presented.