Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Ensino colaborativo e o papel da gestão no processo de implementação de práticas inclusivas
Alles, Elisiane Perufo
The collaborative partnership established between the classroom teacher and the Special Education teacher, planning, instructing, and evaluating classroom teaching of students is known as collaborative teaching. A practice that has been implemented in a Municipality of the metropolitan region of Curitiba.Thus, this study aims to analyze the role of the manager in the process of implementation of this inclusive practice based on collaborative teaching, listing the actions of managers in the process of insertion of collaborative practices; analyzing the effectiveness of the implementation process of the collaborative teaching practice through the managers' reports.In order to achieve these objectives, a qualitative approach was used by means of a case study, with a questionnaire structured in five main axes via the Google Form, in the Google Forms platform, and, with the participation of five managers, being able to gauge in their answers that they seek to invest in the process of professional formation of teachers and employees who work directly in the team.Regarding the performance of managers, they evaluate their significant performance when considering learning by making use of meetings and readings that contemplate the demands of the school through strategies that can serve them, inserting the family in the school context and essentially helping and contributing to the organization of teachers' time for the co-planning of activities, and the participation of all in the search for understanding and acceptance of this new inclusive practice based on Collaborative Teaching is well-known.