Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O uso de objetos de aprendizagem virtuais no processo de alfabetização
Trevisan, Luciana
This study aims at analyzing what are the contributions of Virtual Learning Objects for the literacy process in the first years of elementary school. In order to develop this study it was carried out a data collection At Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Maria Quitéria, located in Novo Hamburgo – RS. The fieldwork took place in the Educational Computer Laboratory, by observing the literacy cycle classes, from 1st to 3rd grade of elementary school, as well as through questionnaires made to their literacy teachers. For this study it was used a qualitative approach, basing itself on a survey of bibliographic nature. Questions about the literacy process and its relationship with the Virtual Learning Objects are pointed out, as well as personal reflections and analysis from the bibliographic research.