dc.contributorLopes, Anemari Roesler Luersen Vieira
dc.contributorMarco, Fabiana Fiorezi de
dc.contributorFarias, Graziela Franceschet
dc.creatorGabbi, Gabriela Fontana
dc.description.abstractThe research presented (linked to the Postgraduate Educational Program of the Federal University of Santa Maria) in the training research field, Knowledge and Professional Development –LP1 in mastering degree, has its main purpose as the exploration of future training of professors in the Pedagody-Daytime undergraduate degree of the Federal University of Santa Maria. Regarding to the learning of Mathematics, the theoretical assumptions were written according to the Cultural-Historic Theory; Activity Theory and the Guiding Educational Activity, jointly with authors who write about teachers training. The study was developed in two stages among a twenty-three students class in the fourth semester of the Pedagogy undergraduate degree, at the Federal University of Santa Maria, during the development of the Mathematics Educational course I. In the first stage, as a starting point for the comprehension of those who are going to be teachers, a questionnaire was used involving the following category of analysis: the path that leads to the Pedagogy-Daytime undergraduate degree; experiences involving Mathematics; the learning and teaching of Mathematics; learning, and learning to teach Mathematics. The second stage, besides the observation and monitoring of the development of the doings in the Mathematics Educational Course I, was developed by a reflexive section on the participation of six students whose data were analyzed through the steps, listed in coincident lines based on mathematical topics mentioned during the course; initial counting process; the one by one corresponding; the management of quantities; the grouping looking to standardize, and numerical systems. From the analyses two units arose, which we can take as constituting parts of the explored subject: the mathematical learning as a training knowledge and the mathematical knowledge usage to teach. From the produced data, in the Mathematics Educational Course I training context, in the Pedagogy-Daytime undergraduate degree, we may notice some learning points in teaching regarding to the dialectical area between the formative knowledge and the knowledge to teach Mathematics in the lower grades of Elementary School. The mathematical teaching proposal, as a formative knowledge and the knowledge to teach presented from learning trigger situations, leaded to reflect about a general way to organize the teaching in the courses of initial training that promote the learning of people involved, considering the relations and the mathematical teaching training process trigger perspectives.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectEducação matemática
dc.subjectFormação de professores que ensinam matemática nos anos iniciais
dc.subjectAprendizagem da docência
dc.subjectCurso de pedagogia
dc.subjectPerspectiva histórico-cultural
dc.subjectMathematical education
dc.subjectProfessors who teach mathematics in lower grades training
dc.subjectTeaching learning
dc.subjectPedagogy undergraduate degree
dc.subjectCultural-historical perspective
dc.titleA formação de futuros professores e o ensino de matemática: dos movimentos para a aprendizagem da docência nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental

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