Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Importância do uso de equipamento de proteção individual por agricultores no município de São Sepé/RS
Silveira, Marco Antônio Saldanha
São Sepé city is situated in the part center-south of the Rio Grande do Sul,
and has agriculture as its main source of income. Agriculture demand frequent
applications of pesticides and these products can cause acute and chronic
poisonings. The safe from use pesticides demands the correct use of the Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE). In function of the high demand of pesticides in the
agriculture and for the potential raised one of risk of the applications of these
products, it is justified to evaluate the knowledge of the importance of the use of PPE
for agriculturists in the São Sepé city. For the evaluation of this knowledge, an
interview with 20 agriculturists was become fullfilled, where questions related to the
profile of the agriculturist consisted, and questions how much to the use and
knowledge of pesticides and agricultural PPE. It was verified that 100% of the
agriculturists they use pesticides, and that although only 60% to use PPE, the great
majority are conscientious of the contamination risks. The discomfort was the main
alleged reason so that the equipment was not used. This reason was also pointed by
diverse authors. In this way, we detach that the strategies that aim at a bigger
protection of the agriculturists front to the risks of contamination for pesticides, must
involve all the actors of the process, duly warned to result in inefficient actions.