Efeito hall de spin inverso em multicamadas de Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta
Garcia, Wagner Jesus da Silva
In the present thesis, the generation of a dc voltage in exchange-biased Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta
multilayers at ferromagnetic resonance was investigated. This dc signal is related to two distinct
phenomena, namely, the spin rectification effect (SRE) and the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE).
The first comes from a non-linear coupling between a dynamic electric current and a dynamic
electrical resistance induced by a microwave magnetic field via anisotropic magnetoresistance
(AMR) and anomalous Hall effect (AHE). The sencond refers to the transformation of a pure
spin current into a charge current caused by spin dependent scattering processes. Two methods
were used to discriminate between SRE and ISHE contributions. The universal method
explores the dependence of those effects with the spin injection direction. The angular method
envolves an angular sweeping, where the in-plane static magnetic field direction is varied, and
for each angle H, VDC(H) is measured. Among all produced samples, that with the highest
exchange bias field was chosen to conduct the investigation and separate the contribution of the
ISHE signal from SRE by both methods. The ISHE contribution was confirmed by equivalence
between the universal and angular methods for separation of the ISHE signal.