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A produção de um jornal escolar eletrônico na escola pública: multiletramentos e o ensino de língua portuguesa
Hatschbach, Simone Sônego
This article aims to develop an electronic school newspaper, through multiliteracies in the processes of textual
production in Portuguese. To verify how these activities can be used in the formation of citizenship, and it also
making lessons more attractive and pleasurable textual production. To start the process of production carried out a
survey in order to observe the students' knowledge and familiarity with the subject. In this research it was revealed
that few students had knowledge and access to work tools and research. We assume then that the construction of an
electronic school newspaper, which would be working in the school computer lab in order to put these tools in the
daily life of students was needed. With these activities we observed that organize learning situations that use new
technologies as tools for collaborative working, integrated and attractive way enable a more dynamic learning.
Among the difficulties encountered include the short time for the development of the project and the length of
meetings (once a week). Among the facilities found stands out prior knowledge and active participation of some