Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Instituições de longa permanência para idosos: uma reflexão contemplando a participação da iniciativa privada
Carvalho, Margarete de Oliveira
Through this study it was possible to know the view of some researchers about the reasons why many seniors residing in long-stay institutions. Those reasons are health conditions, behavioral disorders, need for rehabilitation, lack of physical space for the shelter of the elderly at home from close relatives and often, family abandonment. As a general goal, sought to show the possibility of partnership in order to benefit from a nursing home with funding coming from individuals and/or corporations. Specific objectives were aimed to investigate mainly the structure of an institution of Long Term Elderly and public policies that benefit the elderly. The institution of long-term, is then a place to experience the aging process in addition to the family life. Being that this institution needs the partnership, so thus is able to provide a decent life for the elderly, as recommended by the 1988 Federal Constitution. In this context, it is recommended the promotion of incentives and benefits under the Law for Encouragement of Sports, at the Village Asilo Itagiba, understanding that this would be a possibility to manage economically favorable ILPI said.