Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão de processos na administração pública - uma análise de procedimentos no âmbito da 3ª ICFEx
Dill, Rafael Augusto
Is done through a licitante process in which is chosen the private who shows the best proposal of arrangements
with the editing convocation. Checked the unaccomplishing of dutia assumed after the fulfilled contraction, then
we have the duty of the public Administration in promoting the checking and eventual punishement of
admintrative infraction to the contracted. It´s important to consider that it is a duty of public Administration to
sanction the licitante with taxes, guaranteeing total defence and the legal appropriate proceeding, so that, once is
confirmed the breach of contract in the execution of the object or in the fulfilling the combined terms or in the
consideration of any other obligation. In the most majority of the organizations the process to check the
irregularities is not standarlized so that the way to execute is just clear to the ones who have done that, being
recorded just in the person´s memory who lead this proceeding. This present work has the aim to check the
importance of standardization of proceedings in the Administrative Process of the Military Units linked to the 3
rd Inspectorship of Contability and Finance or the Army to check the irregularities done by the privates and so
providing to the irregularities done by the privates and so providing to the organization more celerity and a safe
way in the Administrative Process, proposing future studies about the subject and so improving the work of
Military Unit of the 3 rd ICFEx. This is a study of exploitation and bibliografic searching to analize the legal
aspects involved in execution of this respective process and its particularities.