dc.description.abstract | This work aims to investigate how the nine years’ elementary education expansion is
being implemented and how the six years old children inclusion is being done at the
Lívia Menna Barreta and Santa Helena municipal schools of elementary education in
Santa Maria, Brazil. Based on the law n. 11.114/05, whereby it becomes mandatory
to start elementary school at six years old and on the law n. 11.274/06, which
regulates the nine years’ elementary education and guarantees to the six years old
child the right to formal education, we seek to identify the difficulties encountered by
managers during the implementation of this new policy, check if curricular changes
are occurring to fit in this new structure, if there is an effective participation of the
school community in this restructuring, if the managers are aware of the public
policies and, if in this inclusion process, are being observed the physical,
psychological, social and intellectual aspects of the child. For this purpose, the
research was developed through a qualitative approach, bibliographical consultations
and case studies. The data was obtained by questionnaires administered to
managers (principal and teachers) of those schools. The research reveals that there
is a need for greater knowledge by the school managers about the public policies
that guides the elementary school’s expansion, for an effective implementation in the
school management reorganization that will enable a greater participation of school
community at the school decisions, the need of a political pedagogical project that
beyond considering the legal requirements, will also achieve the educational
precepts proposed by various segments of the school community and that is faced to
the child. We know that the implications and pedagogical challenges to make this
inclusion to happen are great, since we can’t just pass contents forward and activities
traditionally worked in the first grade to six years old children, but there is a need to
rethink the structure and school culture, performing a contextualized increase,
focused on the skill development, training of citizens and a construction of knowledge. | |