Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Agentes comunitários de saúde e sua relação com idosos acometidos por doenças crônicas
Dal Pai, Sandra
Objective: To analyze the relationship of Community Health Agents with aged with chronic diseases. Methodology: qualitative and descriptive research. Data collection occurred through interviews with 20 community health agents. The information was analyzed according to content analysis. Results: For the convergence of ideas obtained a category of analysis which talks about the difficulties that Community Health Agents face when interacting with aged with one or more chronic diseases. Final thoughts: It was identified that the difficulties encountered by workers for transfer of guidance on chronic diseases and, not infrequently, not adhered by the aged are given for several reasons: lack of education of the aged complicates the understanding of importance of changing habits of life and acceptance of drugs, awareness of the importance in attending health facilities, as well as the natural psychic aging process of the aged that affect the care of daily actions and the difficulties encountered by community agents in the daily work that harm greater care / monitoring of aged with chronic diseases. Thus, it is observed that the Community Agents should improve their knowledge through health education to facilitate contact and information exchange with the aged, because of the difficulties that they have for the accession of information that is passed by the workers.