Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Triagem fonoaudiológica: caracterização dos usuários com suspeita de deficiência auditiva
Bortolini, Carla Iuva
This research was done through a retrospective study in association with archives of
Phonoaudiologic Screening Sector (SAF-UFSM), between 1995 and 2000. The aim of this study was to characterize suspect of having auditory deficiency patients who were at Phonoaudiologic Screening Sector, at that time. The criterion of selection to compose the studied sample was having reference to the auditory deficiency at the provisional diagnosis done in the end of consultation. It was taken into consideration variables like sex, age, origin, referring source and adopted management. The data obtained were performed numerically and percentually and, the descriptive procedure was used to analyse them. The results were organized graphically. Their analysis
showed that the suspect of having auditory deficiency patients who were at Phonoaudiologic Screening Sector (SAF-UFSM) were characterized by being children, from Santa Maria (70,9%), male patients predominantly (56,36%), without prevalence of average age. Besides, it was estabilished that the most frequent complaint was about hearing problems (72,72%), followed by speech problems (21,81%) and school problems (5,45%). The majority of referrings was done by other professionals (36,36%), followed by doctors (27,27%), by school (12,72%), self-initiative (12,72%) and others (10,9%). The managements adopted in the end of the phonoaudiologic
screening were: refer to phonotherapy (54,54%), to complementary evaluations (43,63%) and handicapped education (5,45%).