dc.contributorRedin, Giuliana
dc.contributorSilva, Maria Beatriz Oliveira da
dc.contributorBedin, Gilmar Antonio
dc.creatorBaptistela, Tiago
dc.identifierBAPTISTELA, Tiago. INTEGRATION AND ASYLUM OF CONVERGENCE AND REFUGE IN THE DECLARATION OF CARTAGENA: GENEVA COLONIALITY THE CARTAGENA DECOLONIALIDADE. 2016. 78 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThis work, which adopts the dialectical method, sought in his two chapters address the integration and convergence of asylum and refuge in the Cartagena Declaration, and its regional advances. Asylum and refuge institutes consolidated on the global agenda, through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and the Convention of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees, 1951. This building process took place in the architecture of the nation-state model representing a view of Eurocentric colonialism. Thus, the modern system of nation-state interferes in the agenda of human protection, the coloniality and Eurocentric vision of treating the subject, which historically legitimize a process of human rights restrictions on the State's interests. The Cartagena Declaration of 1984 may represent a process of Decoloniality of thought and sense of State in the regional context of Latin America, it extends the definition of refugee and recognizes the massive violation of human rights as refuge hypotheses. Thus, the spirit of Cartagena is the main regional political document whose parameters establish more comprehensive protection to people in vulnerable situations in the context of international human mobility, and includes in its definition the causes of asylum. The integration and convergence of asylum and refuge in the Declaration of Cartagena provides understand Decoloniality the classic model of treating protection of human beings, victims of international human mobility, because the definition of both institutes is bonded on the broad concept of refugee. Therefore, the process of Cartagena is the Decoloniality the Eurocentric conception of the asylum and refuge, and makes it possible to expand the protection of the human person, whose achievements are conditional on political will of the Latin American states.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Direito
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAsilo e refúgio
dc.subjectDeclaração de Cartagena
dc.subjectIntegração e convergência
dc.subjectAsylum and refuge
dc.subjectCartagena declaration
dc.subjectIntegration and convergence
dc.titleA integração e convergência do asilo e refúgio na Declaração de Cartagena: da colonialidade de Genebra à decolonialidade de Cartagena

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