Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Atividades mediadas por computador como potencializadoras da aprendizagem da química no ensino médio
Porto, Neuza Maria Corrêa
Chemistry is an experimental science, but also depends on the visualization of certain phenomena for to be understood in this respect the models are useful, and computer use can facilitate the learning of this science. This article reports the work done in the discipline of chemistry the three years in the high school in a private school. Were applied activities computer-mediated: activities of authorship created in Hot Potatoes (Crossword and Exercises Multiple Choice); learning objects (animations - LabVirt / USP) and lists of exercises - homework - using the Web site SuperProfessor® Web (the from a question bank). Observation was made during the execution of activities in the computer lab, according to the items: participation, interest, correctness of the issues. The lists of exercises were analyzed after completion, computed the number of students who have completed the task and the number of correct questions. After the activities, students were asked to complete a questionnaire that evaluated the experience. Students showed interest and participated actively in and answered correctly. Being that were more difficult to perform the exercise lists. 100% of students felt that the use of computers in the classroom, encourages the study and performance of tasks. Favorite activity was "Crossword". More than 50% of reused some of the activities. The results show that students value the use of technology, especially the computer to improve their learning and enhance their ability to seek knowledge.