A preservação do patrimônio documental arquivístico da Federação Espírita do Rio Grande do Sul
Silva, William Jerônimo Gontijo
This research has been motivated by the need to define strategies for the preservation
of the archival heritage of the Spiritist Federation of the State of Rio Grande do Sul,
which is a key factor for fulfilling its organizational purposes, both in regard to its
internal public as well as its relationship with society. The objective of this work is to
analyze the application of preservation strategies aimed at creating a Plan for the
Preservation of the Archival Heritage of the Spiritist Federation of the State of Rio
Grande do Sul (FERGS). The theoretical framework consisted in addressing
references concerning cultural heritage, archival heritage, preservation, digital
preservation, chain of custody and preservation, reliable digital record repository,
preservation and digital preservation policy, and Digital Preservation Plan (PPD). This
research is defined as quali-quantitative, exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory.
This research has allowed for identifying document typology and implementing
classification/arrangement and document assessment. Moreover, it consisted in
identifying and promoting a preservation policy for the FERGS heritage, based on the
national scenario, including digital preservation strategies and the establishment of a
Digital Preservation Plan, which is the product of this dissertation. The research then
identified and proposed a long-term preservation and access infrastructure, aimed at
maintaining the authenticity of the digital FERGS records, including a sample of the
holdings for analysis. At last, the research studied the archival function of diffusion,
taking it as a basis for the creation of a proposal to disseminate the archival heritage
and make it accessible to users and researchers. As a result, the research found out
that FERGS has an expressively diversified document typology destined for permanent
preservation, as well as an arrangement and assessment structure for its archival
heritage. The preservation of the archival heritage represents a challenge for the public
and private institutions in Brazil, especially when it comes to digital preservation and
the use of Digital Preservation Plans in the work routines, so as to make it possible to
maintain an authentic chain of custody and preservation. Within FERGS, a Digital
Preservation Plan was proposed as a product containing the strategies to be
implemented with the purpose of long-term digital preservation. It can be concluded
that institutions need to consider more effectively existing preservation and digital
preservation policies and how they can be implemented to effectively preserve their
archival heritage in the long run.