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Doação de sangue para usuários hematológicos-oncológicos do Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria (RS): vamos olhar para quem recebe?
Maria, Camila Mulazzani
Introduction: This study was developed from the experience of residency in the Department of Hematology-Oncology at University Hospital of Santa Maria (HUSM). The aim was to establish a profile of users who have submitted demand for blood transfusion in the period from May 2012 to June 2013. Methods: The target population was composed of users coming from Rio Grande do Sul, who remained hospitalized in the surveyed period and required one or more blood bags. Data were collected at HUSM’s Department of Hemotherapy and supplemented with information from the Regional Blood Donation Center of Santa Maria. Results: We found a total of 146 users who received at least one and a maximum of 286 bags. The predominant population was from 4th Regional Coordination of Health’s municipalities. The Blood Donation Center presented a higher number of replacement blood donations (45.82 %) to the detriment of voluntary/spontaneous donations. Discussion: The increment of blood supply is an evident challenge in specialized health care services. The increase of voluntary/spontaneous donations can be done by introducing concepts of marketing and user as client in health care services. Final Considerations: It is believed that by making explicit the alarming data on blood donation and bruiting the profile of receptors, these information could contribute to raise awareness in the discussion about care and health management.