Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Indicadores de desempenho para rede de franquias em expansão: uma pesquisa-ação em uma empresa de delivery online
Biedacha, Thaiana Ardenghi
The notoriety of the startups nowadays has been fomenting them like a relevant object of study. A startup stops being a startup when the business becomes scalable and profitable. The franchise expansion model is very useful since it allows expansion with other people’s resources. This paper presents a research-action in a delivery online company that is in a fast expansion process through franchising. It seeks a sustainable way to keep managers and employees informed of the performance situation of all the units of the network, without overloading them with irrelevant data and in an objective way to make the best decisions. A diagnosis of the company's initial situation was made, revealing that initially the employees' satisfaction with the information and the way they were available was only 62%. Then new indicators and a new way of discussing and provide were proposed. Finally, it was verified that the proposal had a significant impact on the employees' work, since the satisfaction with the new proposal was 88%, increasing by 16 percentage points in relation to the initial situation. Despite the expressive results, suggestions were made for improvement that could further refine the data analysis for decision making in the company.