dc.contributorLopes, Luis Felipe Dias
dc.creatorLima, Gerson Luis Henemann de
dc.description.abstractThis paper aims to search an alternative to integrate the center of Canoas – RS to its own system of treatment of urban solid waste. The program coleta seletiva compartilhada, developed by the city hall, aims to perform the selective garbage collection by hiring popular associations/cooperatives ruled by a modern municipal law for the solid urban waste. . This initiative intends to promote the employment generation and the quality of life of the families who live of recycling. The people who work by themselves collecting the garbage in the central area of the city do not fit the pat - terns of this formal system and make it difficult their situation. This area is one of the biggest commercial centers of one of the biggest cities of the state, producer of a massive quantity of recycling material attracting the people who collect it. There are many movements of latent commerce of the industries, universities, public power, etc. these would be canalized to help integrating these garbage collectors to the formal system, giving them better working conditions and a better salary, besides leaving the society a cleaner and healthier environment. Through a qualitative and exploratory research applied in the field of public administration, it was thought to understand the actual system with the purpose of developing some project suggestions. It was analyzed the governmental and social vision, the industry and commerce perspective as well as the one of the garbage collectors. There was a field study focused on these garbage collectors and the commerce with the objective of getting to know the applicability of ideas in this community of garbage collectors. Regarding all these factors and observing the new laws, the federal and municipal ones, this paper suggests a new possibility in the construction of projects, related to the reverse logistic of processes of urban solid waste with the help of marketing. It is aimed to conciliate interests of the retail commerce as well as its suppliers and garbage collectors organized as a cooperative. Finally, using new ideas, it is aimed to present a proposal to the center of Canoas.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectResíduos sólidos urbanos
dc.subjectColeta seletiva
dc.subjectCatadores de materiais recicláveis
dc.subjectLogística reversa
dc.titlePrograma de coleta seletiva compartilhada dos resíduos recicláveis do município de Canoas
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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