Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Educação ambiental: as plantas e ervas medicinais usadas pelas famílias dos alunos do 4º e 5º ano da EMEF Vitalino Muniz
Ritezel, Viviane Pappis
This study presents a survey of the families of students in the 4th and 5th year of Municipal Elementary School Vitalino Muniz, the city New Site, municipality of Arroyo del Tigre, RS. The study sets up on a research on medicinal plants and herbs mostly used by those same being removed from their properties. So based on the students developed their reality interviews, classroom activities, discussions on the topic and also collecting seedlings of plants and herbs researched. These seedlings were transplanted into a bed at school, being distributed according to the use of plants through the symptoms highlighted by households. Moreover, also worked on the thematic environmental education and its importance for the development of current and future generations, Students, through data collected in the survey were able to verify the importance of not losing the traditions and popular culture in the context in which we live, and thus learn to relate with nature using its resources for better quali-ty of life.