Conversor flyback modificado para alimentação de lâmpadas de descarga em alta pressão: projeto, modelagem e controle
2012-03-01Registro en:
PAPPIS, Douglas. Modified flyback for high intensity discharge lamp supply: design, modeling and control. 2012. 122 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2012.
Pappis, Douglas
This dissertation consists of the design of an electronic ballast to drive high pressure discharge (HID) lamps, focusing on low power applcations. An innovative modified yback conveter is proposed as main part of an electronic ballast able to adequately supply HID lamps with low frequency square waveform current. From a continuos (DC) voltage source (e.g. battery or rail of a power factor correction converter, PFC), a yback arrangement is inserted into a switching structure whose output provides low frequency voltage yet avoiding instability issues. Proposals main advantage is the use of one single choke of simple assembly and only two common reference ground active switches for current control and voltage inversion. In this work, proposed converter principle of operation
and its complete design are presented for both continuos (CCM) and disconinuos (DCM) conduction modes. Small-signal AC models for the converter in CCM and DCM,
as well as the feedback closed-loop design for lamp power regulation are proposed based upon frequency response stability and performance analysis. For DCM, a small-signal
AC model is obtained with the insertion of the HID lamp dynamics, enabling direct lamp current feedback with power regulation. For CCM, however, the AC model is obtained for
a resistive load, with output power feedback implemented via an inner (inductor current)and an outer (power) loop is proposed, guaranteeing stability by analyzing the closed loop converter outut impedance. For DCM, a prototype has been developed and implemented to supply a 70W high pressure sodium lamp (HPS) either from a PFC DC rail or from
AC mains via the integration of a converter for PFC purposes (buck-boost). Another prototype has been developed for the CCM design to supply a 35W metal-halide lamps
from an automotive battery. Experimental results are presented for both prototypes in order to confirm their performances. Besides, simulation results from Matlab and PSIM are also presented, as well as discussions about methods and converters feasibility.