Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Padrão fundamental do caminhar de crianças de dois anos que usufruíram diferentes vivências e ambientes nos dois primeiros anos de vida
Piageti, Patrícia Kapp
“The mental structures go to be constructed by the children, through its
possibilities of interaction and action on the way and for the quality of request
surrounding it” (Carvalho & Castro, 2002). The objective of this work was to verify if
different stimulations and experiences in first the two years of life they cause to
differences in the Basic Standard of Walk of children of both the sexes. The sample was
constituted of 16 children (08 of Particular School and 08 of Municipal) of the city of
Saint Maria - RS. For the analysis filming of walking of the children in its pertaining to
school period had been carried through and also they had been you deliver
questionnaires to the responsible professors and of the pupils for the pertaining to
school and familiar rescue of the environment of each child. The Standard of Walk if
was similar although to have been joined differences in the particularities of the item of
analysis, decurrently of the peculiarities of development of each child, what it
demonstrates that each one in its two first years of life was stimulated of differentiated
forms, with accessories, tricks, or differentiated environments.